Composer Information Fields

For composer entries, the same fields will be displayed in the editor as for pieces, but some of them will show an error if you try to fill them in, because they’re not relevant, such as:

  • Text
  • Year Composed
  • Page
  • Minutes
  • Difficulty
  • Language
  • Voicing
  • Solos
  • Instruments
  • Mood
  • Performances

Leave those blank, and fill things appropriate for the composer. Make sure the Type is set to Composer.


The composer name is required. It should be the full name as you want it to appear in the catalog. Make sure to spell the composer name the same way each time, or the tags that let you browse through all the composer’s pieces won’t work properly. For instance, if the composer has a middle initial for one piece, they should have that initial for all pieces. It’s usually easier to leave middle initials out unless the composer invariably uses it.

Composer Last Name

The composer last name field is never displayed. It is used only for sorting. We probably should have called it Composer Sort Order or something, but there you are. It is required.

Composer Nationality

Free-form. You can put whatever you want.

Composer Date of Birth

Free-form. We usually just put the four-digit birth year.

Audio Credit

If you have an audio or video clip on the page, indicate the recording credit here.

Web Page URL

The URL of a webpage giving more information about the composer. This could be on your own website, a publisher, or whatever.

Link Text

The link text to display for the Web Page URL. Used only if Web Page URL is filled in.


The name of the composer’s publisher or distributor, if any. If you want to link to the publisher/distributor’s page, use Web Page URL above.


A multiselect listing any group or groups of which the composer has been a member. This is used to put the composer in one or more group categories on the main page.